A Praying Nation

23 He makes nations great, and he destroys them;
    he enlarges nations, and leads them away. (Job 12:23 ESV)

We are in a time when our nation is slipping into the turmoil of election season. Much like the last few of these, there is a lot of postering on both sides. It seem, more and more, they are seeking to pit us against one another. However, least we forget, God is in control.

I have been listening to the debates and to the debates outside the debates, and the debates all of this create in our society. I see the enemy at work in many of these discourses. We have stopped talking about what is truly important and just want to debate the candidates. Should we not be more focused on what is really valuable to our nation and those the government serve? These should not be popularity contest, they must be about the things that matter to Americans and America. My prayer is that we get back to this.

God makes nations great, but He too destroyed them and we need to remember this least we be destroyed from within. Many great nations and societies have collapsed from within and I fear we are ripe for something similar. We need to turn to back God now as a nation. A praying nation could change everything.