3 Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
keep watch over the door of my lips! (Psalm 141:3 ESV)
I mutter an almost constant prayer that God will set a guard over my mouth. I am much better at watching what I say, but I still have to be careful because I know what is in my head wants desperately to come out of my mouth.
People get easily offended these days, much more so than when I was younger. And our society has become one that will take anything said and twist it to what they think they heard.
We should continually turn to God with our thoughts first so that how we respond is tempered by our desire to please Him. So that our words are hopefully His words and not the negativity that can be present in our heads and hearts. We cannot rely upon our own abilities to say the right thing. But when we rely first upon God then we can be more assured that we will respond accordingly.
God desires that we build bridges with our words, not tear them down.