Abide in the Word

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32 ESV)

I am of the firm belief that there is nothing more important that abiding in the Word. Prayer follows a close second. But spending time in the word is similar and can too be a form of prayer. It keeps us close to God and helps us to dispel all of the falsehood around us and better understand the truths.

As a disciple of Jesus, we have much He has set before us. To understand what that entails requires that we study the scriptures closely. It means we pray regularly and it means that we are constantly at work upon our own lives. For how can we be an example to others if we are not diligent at our own lives and our own growth.

Abiding in the Word brings us closer to God. It makes His desires more important than our own, His plans more meaningful than our own. Abiding also means that we are bathing in the soul cleansing words of God that can truly wash out our over filled minds. Better than any form of internet access or social media, it provides a separation from the world that we desperately need.

Consider just how much you abide today.