29 He made the storm be still,
and the waves of the sea were hushed. (Psalm 107:29 ESV)
Apologies for missing yesterday. The storm that came through our area wiped out our power and we are now on day 2 without. It has highlighted two things; one, God may not always still the storm, but he will be with you through it none the less. Two, we need to be prepared both spiritually and practically when something bad happens.
I write a lot about coping with difficult times. However, most of those are issues of health, wealth or more common issues that plague us. We can forget that many across the globe suffer from basic human needs due to storms, fires, war and any form of disaster that can overcome us in a moment. We need to look at life more critically.
Being prepared has both a spiritual and practical component. We found ourselves scrambling for candles and flashlights. In these times we can often find what we need, but what happens when we find ourselves not prepared spiritually?
Reflect on: Just how prepared are you, practically and spiritually. If God came this moment are you ready to give account?