Imitators or Imitations

1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1 ESV)

We need to check ourselves periodically and consider the quality of our life of faith. That may sound harsh, but it can be that we become numb to the world around us and just go through the motions. Consider;

Is your Bible reading productive?

Is your prayer life rich?

Are you growing in your walk or just walking?

It there actual time carved out of your busy day for God?

Our digital world has relegated us to brief snippets of information. We dedicate our time to family or work and maybe take an hour or two each week to go to church, if we aren’t too busy.

In short, we become imitations and not imitators as our scripture calls us to be.

Reflect on: The depth of your faith life. Do you seek to imitate Christ in all you do, or just when convenient?