Truly Satisfied

5 My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
    and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, (Psalm 63:5 ESV)

Are we truly satisfied with God?

Typically, I do not think we are. The world and the enemy keeps us dissatisfied and continually wanting more. Advertising always pushes us to the next great thing. Furthermore we continually look outwardly and not inwardly for satisfaction.

More, more, more is our mantra. Newer clothes, newer cars, newer houses. We are quickly disenchanted with anything or anyone in our lives and we just look for the next best thing.

God did not build us to be this way. No, this is how the world has shaped us. God does not mind ambition, but He has issue with the gluttony that tends to rule our lives.

When we begin to slow down and really become satisfied with who we are and what we have that we can begin to see God more clearly. We begin to realize that pease and joy are not in the next best thing, but in our relationship with the God of the universe. Our souls begin to be satisfied as with rich food the body is satisfied.