A Brightness of Being

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. (Matthew 5:14-15 ESV)

I remember living in small towns in Texas, far away from the larger cities and how dark the nights could be. I have traveled to some remote places as well where there is little light pollution. Two things are clear when the night is dark. First, the stars are beautiful and clearly visible. Second, if someone turns on a light on a hill, it can be seen from a very long way away.

Our light in a dark world should be no different. First, it should be able to be seen from a long way off. Our thoughts and actions must reflect the pure light of Christ to others around us who live in darkness. Second, we should be pointing to the beauty of God’s creation all around us. Pointing out that which only God could have made. Whether it is the vastness of space or the intricacies of us lowly humans. In doing so, bypassing the knowledge of the current age and allowing these wonders to point to heaven.

There is much we can be doing and we should not hide what God has given and shown us under a basket. His light needs to shine brightly through us and as opposed to the light pollution of our cities, God’s pure light is the truth of His being. It pierces the darkest recesses of our hearts and minds and purifies us with Christ blood through salvation. It creates in us a brightness of being that cannot be hidden.