Fan the Flame

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, (1 Timothy 1:6 ESV)

The following questions came from a daily devotional from In Touch Ministries. They remind us to think about our faith walk and what part of the flame for God might have diminished in our lives. Which of these do you need to fan the embers to reignite?

  1. Desire to serve God, share the gospel, and help others?
  2. Spend time in the Word daily?
  3. Pray, knowing that God is listening and working?
  4. Faithfully attend church and tithe?
  5. Experience joy, peace, and hope in Jesus?
  6. Stand firm in your godly convictions?

We may find that one or more of these have diminished over time. The faith life is a marathon not a sprint and we must remain diligent fanning the flame of each of these aspects of this life we endeavor to live faithfully.

When we see some aspect beginning to diminish, we must ask ourselves what is getting in the way. More often than not it is a lack of focus upon God or some way the enemy or the world is dragging us away. We must refocus and rededicate our lives so that we will not be found wanting.