
45 and I shall walk in a wide place,
    for I have sought your precepts. (Psalm 119:45 ESV)

This passage today intrigued me, so I began looking up various interpretations of this verse. Especially the first half regarding walking in a wide place. The variations of this part of the verse all speak to walking but vary where or how. I think each denotes a slightly different connotation, but with the same aspect. That aspect is that of when we seek God’s precepts we are given the ability to walk in;

A wide place – on open space, meaning our lives open up and we are given the ability to walk in;

Freedom – As we learn more about God’s precepts, we can walk more and more in freedom, living a life that is focused upon His will and His plan. Which opens up;

Liberty – God’s precepts give us liberty. We are not locked down to one thing, but God give us the liberty to live as we want. However, His precepts should keep us in line with how He wants us to live, even if we are given the liberty to live differently. Which allows for us living;

At large – This last variation I like the most. God tell us to “live large”. We are not to faint back and keep to ourselves. We are to live at large, speaking His truth to everyone. Bringing His message of salvation and his precepts to the world.

The scriptures provide us God’s precepts and different versions of the Bible provide even greater insight into how we can understand each scripture. They do not need to live in conflict, but we can use different interpretations for our better edification.