
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7 ESV)

I did not sleep much last night. I have a lot on my mind between work and personal concerns. I know that much of my distress comes from the enemy. He loves to toy with my head in the wee hours of the morning. I pray, but the problem is that I do so then go right back to worrying about things. Fretting over what I can change and concerns over what I cannot.

I need to learn how to let go. But when I wake at 2 or 3 in the morning and my head is spinning it is very hard.

I know that I am not doing a good job submitting myself to the Lord and just trusting that He has everything in His hands. Mainly because I am too busy juggling everything in my own hands. So I leave an open door for the enemy to walk through and just wreak havoc inside my head.

When I simply relax my mind and submit all my concerns to God and realize that no matter what happens I am in His hands, I can begin to relax. I open the door for God to relieve my anxiety and, more importantly, I put my trust in Him. When I do this, when I submit, the enemy and all his minions flee.