
14 The secret counsel of the Lord is for those who fear him,
    and he makes known to them his covenant. (Psalm 25:14)

I am convinced scripture like this one and a few others point to the fact that much of scripture itself is not revealed to us until we come to a relationship with Christ. This would explain how so many who read the Word come away from it without a clear understanding of what lies within. Their eyes have not been opened, so they do not understand.

This is not only the enemy and the world at work on people but it can also be God allowing their hearts to be hardened. This too is evident in scripture. God wants everyone to come to the saving grace of His Son. However, there are some that God knows will never accept this free offer and He allows their hearts to be hardened. God will use these people to His ends as well, just not in a faith based sense.

This may seem harsh and wrong to many. This too is why so many have not accepted Christ but still believe that because they are a good person they will find their way into heaven. But scripture is clear on this, our best is but dirty rags in God’s perfect sight. Without Christ blood to wash us “white as snow”, taking away the dark stain of our sin, we will not know heaven.