Incline Your Ear

6 I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God;
    incline your ear to me; hear my words. (Psalm 17:6 ESV)

God answers us even when we may not be able to understand the answer He provides. Even no answer is an answer.

When we are not hearing from God we need to examine ourselves. We need to look deeply into who we are and how we are living. We need to consider those possibly blatant, but potentially subtle sins that could be blocking our communication with God.

When no answer is our answer there is probably something creating a separation between us and God. I belabor this point because too often we throw our prayers to the wind and then get incensed when we see nothing happening. We are careless with how we communicate with God. We are unheeding of making needed change in our lives to properly align us with God. We are an old school antenna pointed the wrong direction.

We need to keep tuned in to God so that He will incline His ear to us, hearing our words. But this begins with a through search of our lives and our motives.