Do Not Condone Compromise

1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1 ESV)

When we come to Christ a change should happen in our life. We have been made anew, brought from darkness to light, and bought with a price. Thus, our lives are no longer our own. However, we cannot then take this verse to mean that we have a license to do as we please.

I think this may be a bit harder for those who’s came to Christ early in life. As we live, grow and mature, many learn many things. Life happens to us and we can tent toward living a compromised life. We are still wanting to live a faith life, but we have grown up making small compromises that end up being lifelong habits of sinful behavior.

Such lifelong behaviors can be anger, course language or even lust. We make small compromises because we build in these inherent habits that become traits. Even the best of us will tend to make small compromises over time. This is why we must continually keep our focus ever upward and renew our faith in the Word and prayer daily, even multiple times per day.

I can find no where in scripture where it condones compromise. However, I find many places where scripture speaks of renewing our faith daily.