Never Enough

10 He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity. (Ecclesiastes 5:10 ESV)

Make no mistake, these days it takes a lot of money just to live.

I have watched my children work to make lives for themselves with modest incomes and it is not easy. There are a lot of compromises one must make to live well today.

There have been periods in my life where I have had abundance and times where I struggled. Luckily, God had always seen my family through these times, both of them. We often consider that God needs to see us through just the tough times, but it is just as important He sees us through the our times of abundance. Maybe more so.

We tend to forget God when things are going well. We live in abundance and it makes life easy, our worries few, and we forget God is there. It can also be that we begin to seek even more and our abundance is not enough. Whether it is that we want more money or more things it is just never enough. The more we have the more we want and the cycle just spirals out of control. We can also forget to give from our abundance and start to hoard what we have.

God did not wire us to live like this. No, this is the world and the enemy talking to us and we are too open to listening. We must look to God’s gifts, consider how we are living and how God wants us to live, never forgetting His presence and His design for our lives.