Focus on the One Thing

41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary.[a] Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42 ESV)

How many times have you read scripture or listened to a sermon and afterward realized that you got absolutely nothing from them?

Like Martha, we are anxious and troubled about many things. We fret about many things, and many of us (speaking from a guilty space myself) miss the most important things. Yes, much of this may be missing out on God’s best, but we often miss out on our family’s best as well.

My kids barely remember me from a period about twenty years ago when I was consumed by my work. I often spent 12 hours a day at work. When I wasn’t there I was worried about work. In truth, it almost killed me. When I broke from that company and that time in my life I had to right my ship as it was listing dangerously on heavy seas and it took me quite a while to do so.

I found during that time that there was truly one thing that is necessary for all the rest to fall into place; my relationship with God. With our eyes focused upon God, our many worries and anxieties fade away and we are able to see more clearly.

Focus on the one thing.