After My Own Heart

22 After removing him, he raised up David as their king and testified about him, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after my own heart,[a] who will carry out all my will.’ (Acts 13:22 CSB)

I have often prayed that I be a man after God’s own heart as was David. What better priority can we have than to seek this in our lives.

I desire to follow God’s plan for my life even when I am not always clear on what that is. I want my life to count for more than just my own well being. Thus, I work at different avenues of my faith life striving to know God’s heart and put that knowledge into action.

I have written this many times, but when we chase after God on a daily basis we find that life becomes more adventurous. We begin to see each day for its divine potential and we stop worrying so much about what we are getting out of it. It is not that we lose any of our own personal ambitions, but that those ambitions are changed into acts of service to God. We can then let go a bit of our expectations and fears around success or failure and simply accept life as it comes at us.

Each day brings us a new chance to strive to be a person after God’s own heart.