Do a Little Bit More

but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, righteous, holy, self-controlled, (Titus 1:8 CSB)

The church is continually looking for people who exhibit a certain skill set. They are looking for people who they can trust members of the congregation to, because the clergy are typically spread so thin.

However, if we think about it, this skill set is sought in many facets of life. There will never not be a need for people who are sensible, trustworthy, self-controlled, moral, kind, and hospitable. These people will always be able to find hungry roles they can fill.

Everything we do we have an opportunity to do it for God. If we are seeking to do this, these character traits will naturally be a part of our lives. To a greater or lesser extent all people have these abilities, if they will but exercise them. God, and others, are simply looking for people willing to make an effort to do a little more. However, most want to simply be lead as opposed to lead.

I believe everyone has the ability to lead if they will just try a little bit. Yes, there are people who have this innate ability, but so too there are those who when pressed can also become leaders. They just need to be given an opportunity.

Life is about opportunities to step out beyond ourselves and do a little bit more. How much better this world would be if everyone would.