Knowledge Leads to Peace

9 They will not harm or destroy each other
on my entire holy mountain,
for the land will be as full
of the knowledge of the Lord
as the sea is filled with water. (Isaiah 11:9 CSB)

Can you imagine a time of complete peace?

It is very hard when all we see around us is in conflict. A time when we will not hurt or destroy each other seems impossible. But as scripture tells us “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

We are moving toward a time when Christ will reign upon earth. We are moving toward a time when all nations and all peoples will be judged by His righteous hand. Too many people simply do not believe this is going to actually happen.

But there will come a time when the land will be as full o f the knowledge of the lord as the sea is filled with water. In other words, everyone will be filled with the knowledge of Christ. No one will have any excuse any longer to say that they did not know.

We can, as believers, begin to live this way today we need not wait. We can seek to live at peace with everyone. We can seek to bring the knowledge of Christ to all peoples and show His love and mercy to everyone.

There are many views of God today. To say that there is one God is to be in conflict with so many other religions and beliefs. But this is faith and this faith brings love and understanding to others, it convicts them and this is why there is conflict often with other beliefs. It is not that we are confronting them outwardly, but that Christ is convicting them inwardly.

Peace comes with an understanding of Christ love and mercy.