
16 Your eyes saw me when I was formless;
all my days were written in your book and planned
before a single one of them began. (Psalm 139:16 CSB)

Some have trouble with the idea that all of our days were already written in God’s book I before we were even alive. They feel like they have no choices in life. But nothing could be further from the truth.

We have free will and the ability to choose our path each day.

God does not order our days in such a way that we are without any say. In fact, He makes it so that we can pretty much make our own choice in everything. That means that we are fully capable of making all of the horrible choices we often do.

You see, when we are running on our own and not consulting God about the right choices our human nature is to make the wrong ones. Yes, free will is not all it is chalked up to be. We make a lot of dumb mistakes. I often wonder how I made it as long as I have based upon some of the choices I have made in life.

Luckily, if we are trying to live a faith life, God is working on our behalf to pave the way. We have choice but He does not leave us on our own if we ask for His help.

We can make our choices, but He is there to help us when we need to to pick us up when we fall. God knows our days and He knows the outcome of every choice we make. Then He lets us make them.