With Us

37 For nothing will be impossible with God.”

38 “See, I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary. “May it happen to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her. (Luke 1:37-38 CSB)

This is the first Sunday of Advent, a time of waiting for Christ birth and preparing for His second coming. It is a time for us to remember and believe in the power of nothing being impossible with God.

I love that this scripture says “with God” and not “for God”. It helps us remember that God does what God does with us not to us, or for us. He is a God of great miracles and surpassing grace, but most importantly He is a God with us.

As we ponder this we also need to ponder the second scripture and the fact that we are to be “the Lord’s servants”. As I have noted many times, when we come to faith our lives are no longer our own. We have a job to do. Yes, we become sons and daughters, but too we become servants.

You see, a God with us, is a God who wants to walk with us through the events of our lives being lived for Him. We are supposed to be living out the Great Commission. Taking God to others around the world. This means that God is with us on the mission field of the mission He gave us. It may not mean that we are to go to far away places. No, your mission field may be to your own family or to your workplace. It may involve a hobby, or a pastime. It may mean being involved in your local church in some way.

But make no mistake, God is with you so that you are with Him. You are on mission and it will be exciting.