Wake Up, Abide & Strive

11 Besides this, since you know the time, it is already the hour for you[a] to wake up from sleep, because now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. (Romans 13:11 CSB)

Time passes us by so quickly. This becomes obvious when we are older and is often lost on the young. But every day we are closer to touching eternity than we were the day before. Each day we are one step closer to the end of our days here on earth.

If you are reading this, you probably have at least one more day to live the life God has for you. To reach for something higher and leave the things of the world behind. We have this day, this moment, to live for God.

Now before I lose you in this talk of the end, lets look back at the beginning. Let’s look back to where we started and all God has done through us since the day we first believed. For I expect there is much in your life to be proud of striving for God and living an abiding faith life. Yes, there may be regrets too, but Christ saw to those already through His sacrifice. When you enter eternity God will remove all the regretful things and only look at the good.

So today, we have much to look forward to and much left to do in the time we have left.

Let us not delay in doing the good Christ prepared us for. We need to wake up, abide and strive.