Practical, Spiritual, Applicable

And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, (Philippians 1:9 CSB)

We typically consider growth in life through some form of personal, academic or business level plan or program. Our development depends upon some rigor imposed upon us rather than our own discipline in studying upon our own. Well, at least for me it has tended to be this way. I am more of an experiential learner. I do, therefore I am.

God wants us to be both. He wants us to learn through a study of His Word and he wants us to be experiential learners through the living out of what we have learned. And in truth, confidence in being open with others about our faith is all about being willing to live it. We start by gaining knowledge and growing through study of The Word. But it is in the application where we truly learn. We learn both the practical, the spiritual and the applicable.

Through these practices we will keep growing in love and knowledge because we learn most through loving acts. And as we grow discernment comes in many forms both through the Spirits insights and through our own developing knowledge of God’s will.