Dwell Richly

16 Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,[a] singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. (Colossians 3:16 CSB)

I wanted to focus on just two words today from our scripture that we need to give more credence in our daily walk.

What does it mean to you for the word of Christ to dwell richly within and among you? Give that a few moments of thought before we go on.

It is not a common use of vernacular to ask if something dwell’s richly within you. However, when we take the time to really contemplate the words the meaning gains weight. For if something dwell’s richly within us it is going to be the wellspring of our actions. Thus, if we are steeped in the Word and we keep Christ in the forefront of our minds the outcomes of our lives will reflect this deep indwelling of spiritual riches.

The outpouring of this will be wisdom, praise and joy. It will set us apart from others and gratitude will swell within our hearts at the outcome. How can others not see Christ dwelling richly within us if we live in this state. How can we not be a blessing to others when everything flows from this place within us.