Situational Awareness

12 The prudent sees danger and hides himself,
    but the simple go on and suffer for it. (Proverbs 27:12 ESV)

There are a number of things I have done over the years that have taught me to maintain a keen situational awareness. However, many walk through life with seemingly no situational awareness what so ever. These are the people who become marks for those seeking to deceive or are prone to accident or other mishap.

Situational awareness is far more than an awareness of the environment around you at all times.It is also a seeking for the truth and a desire to know enough about the things you are involved with to understand outcomes. It is a reading of the room, so to speak, in both a physical, mental and spiritual way.

The enemy is always looking for ways to drag us into his pit. Without situational awareness we can be lured away from our faith life and find ourselves suffering for it, like our scripture says.

Reflect on: Just how have you honed your situational awareness? Is it watching for physical, mental and spiritual attacks?