14 Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth with all that is in it. (Deuteronomy 10:14 ESV)
Let’s begin today with the concept that everything belongs to God. Now, if you look at your life and consider this, what are you holding onto that God would like you to let go of?
This is not only regarding your material possessions, we are talking about every aspect of your being. From the time you spend on yourself verses God, to the first fruits you give Him, to how you use your abilities in this world to further the Kingdom of God.
There is no aspect of our lives that do not fall under God’s control if we take a truly scriptural view of how we are to live the faith life.
So, are you giving of yourself sacrificial, or are you stingy with what you think is yours?
Reflect on: What are you doing with what God has given you?