1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, (Hebrews 12:1)
Living the life God desires for us to lead requires that we maintain a focus on three key goals.
Gather our cloud of witnesses – we need people around us who also have God’s plan for their lives in the front of their minds. People who we can count on to help us achieve our godly goals. This is where having a community of god fearing people is so important to our faith walk.
Lay aside every encumbrance and sin – we need to focus upon a life that is governed by good and righteous acts. We must keep our selves from willful sin and the things of the world that encumber our daily walk. To keep our minds on what is above and not on what is of this earth.
Run with endurance – the faith life is not a sprint, it is a very long race. One that last a lifetime and fosters us into eternity. Thus, our race must be run with eternity in mind and not so focused on one thing or one day as to drag us down. The race may require us, at times, to simply focus on getting our feet in front of us. But ultimately it is a marathon where we must keep our eyes ever forward and upward.