Hang it Up

18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18 ESV)

Have you let the power of the cross do it’s work in your life?

May seem an odd question, as what power does the cross have over the one who hung on it? Well, it is representative of our death to sin and to the one who hung on it, salvation through His blood.

We must, quite literally, nail our sins to the cross daily. Take it up and carry its burden throughout our day, never forgetting the power of it and Christ in our lives. This is a profound daily act that should be being played out in our minds and hearts.

There is such power in the cross. Power we too often take for granted and do not kneel beneath each day, thanking God for his love and grace in our lives. At times we may need to fall at its rugged base, curl up and weep. At other times kneel before it and raise our hands in supplication and thanksgiving. But regardless of what our needs are at the moment, we need to kneel before it and the one who hung on it.

Yes, the power of the cross is great. Not greater than the one who hung upon it, but just a worthy of our thoughts and our actions and that which we must hang upon it each day.