Apart from God

2 I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
    I have no good apart from you.” (Psalm 16:2 ESV)

Consider all you have. All of your relationships, your home, your furnishings, your vehicle, all of your things. One day they will all be dust. Everything in this world will, one day, return to whence it came. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Nothing in this world gets away from decay. You came into this world with nothing and you will leave with nothing.

But, boy, do we spend a lot of our time and treasure on all the things we do have!

To wit, I have been dealing with some pretty extensive home repair. Between it and my work I have not thought about much else, aside from a hobby or two to take my mind off of the stress of these other responsibilities. I also just had to have a visit with my doctor who pointed out what I already knew, I have not been taking good care of my health.

Ultimately, I have had a lot on my mind. I have also been reading a really good book on prayer that pointed out how weak my prayer life really was. My focus has been so on myself and all the stuff I have to deal with I have found little peace. This book is helping me see that I am so focused on myself that I cannot focus on what is good from God. It is helping me see that, apart from God, I have no good.