Very Good

31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (Genesis 1:31 ESV)

Let me let you in on a little secret. Something so many of you do not know and do not realize. When God said, all the way back in Genesis, “God saw everything he had made, and behold, I was very good.” He meant you.

That’s right, God is omnipotent. That literally means He is all powerful and all knowing. So even way back then He had you in mind. It isn’t like He woke up the day before you were born and said, “hey, let me figure out who this kid is and how he or she will be.” He had a plan, all the way back in Genesis for each of us.

Now, many may scoff at my words but this is supported in scripture in many places. But you see, we have this tendency to read the scriptures literally where it is being metaphorical and metaphorically where it is being literal. We try to interpret it in our own way that makes sense to us which may or may not be how it was meant at all.

So, if we consider all this, God did not say you were ok. No! He said you were “very good.” I know many hold a very dim view of themselves. But know today, God does not.