The Right Guide

11 I instruct you in the way of wisdom
    and lead you along straight paths. (Proverbs 4:11 NIV)

If we are truly honest with ourselves, we know that God leads us down the right paths. Now, we may not choose to follow that leading, but He is righteous to continue to prompt us through the Holy Spirit.

I was recently reading something about prayer and started a new practice that I think helps me. The material focused on how to heighten our sense of the Holy Spirit in our lives by praying in this way.

“Holy Spirit fill me, Holy Spirit guide me, Holy Spirit Teach me, Holy Spirit renew me.”

I like simple prayers like this that help with specific core tenants that allow for a more God focused life. Beginning my day with this prayer centers me on how I need to listen and watch for the Spirit’s leading. Ending my day with this prayer before bedtime allows my subconscious to be more open to the Spirit’s refreshing.

Reflect on: Do you have the right guidance in your life? Maybe you need to center.