27 Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
turn your foot away from evil. (Proverbs 4:27 ESV)
I have a pet peeve. People not using their blinkers. Why can’t people take a moment and provide this simple courtesy? I do not get it. But as my wife continually tells me, “you can’t change people.” This too is frustrating!
As you can see, I have to manage my state when I am on the road. I am not sure what happens to people when they get behind the wheel. It’s like they turn off any courtesy setting that they might normally have. But I can only imagine, if God were one to get frustrated, how much so He would be with us for not putting our spiritual blinkers on.
If we saw a navigation map of our life journey I bet that it would look like a ball of yarn. We would have the track of our life going this way and that, over and under, up and down and all forms of sideways. God tells us, in regard to our spiritual life, “do not swerve to the right or to the left, turn your food away from evil.”
Reflect on: The path of your spiritual life. Consider if you are doing all you can to stick to the straight and narrow.