The Test of Fire

13 each one’s work will become obvious. For the day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire; the fire will test the quality of each one’s work. (1 Corinthians 3:13 CSB)

Consider every work of your hands, mind and talents.

Now consider that the quality of every one of them will be tested by fire.

Which will stand under the intense scrutiny of God and how much will be burned up?

Sadly, because of the fallen world we live in, much of what we do every day that makes up the fabric of our lives will not stand this test. It may easily be that the 80/20 rule that is so prevalent will stand for the quality of work in our lives.

So what if only 20% of what you have done your entire life bears any value to God?

Well, His Son made sure that no matter how little we have done for God our lives were made righteous through His sacrifice. Even if you came to believe only moments from death, your life matters to God.

But, without faith the entirety of our lives will not stand the test of fire.

I know to many that is a harsh statement. To the many who think living a good life will get them a pass into heaven, you need to wake up and read scripture. Only acceptance of Christ will do this. And only through this acceptance and atonement for your sins will any portion of your life stand before the fire.