It Depends On You

18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18 CSB)

“As far as it depends on you.”

While God controls the outcomes of things, we too have a part to play. We can decide to work with Him or against him.

So too, within the world we have a choice daily to bring joy or strife to others. We have the ability to work cohesively with others or be contentious. Through the years I have worked with some pretty contentious people and I always think, “what’s the point?” If we would but work together we both win. However, I have realized too over that time with those relationships most of their contentious behavior comes from insecurity and fear.

Thus, it is even more dependent upon us to bring peace and confidence to these relationships. We need to belay fears and work to make others feel confident in our true desire and intent to help them in any way possible. It is possible to be firm in our position without making others feel belittled.

When I find myself slipping back into a defensive or frustrated posture with people like this, I must pray more diligently for them and for myself. Rarely are their intentions truly evil, they are just running scared (no matter their bluster) from failure.

As far as it depends on you, make a point to be the bringer of peace and unity.