
19 Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 True enough; they were broken off because of unbelief, but you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but beware, (Romans 11:19-20 CSB)

We, Gentiles, have been grafted in as sons of God. The Jewish people were God’s chosen but their branches were broken off due to unbelief. Now we stand by faith in this grafted state because we chose Christ salvation.

The state of our relationship with god as a branch does not vary. It is a constant state in His mind. We are not good and in one day and bad and out another. Once we come to faith, God’s love for us is constant. In fact God’s love for everyone is constant. He wants us to come to Him as children. Only we can muck that up and decide we want nothing to do with Him. But there is a reckoning if we take this latter path.

If you are very lucky, you found your calling early on and have stayed that course of ministry. However, mostly we do things for a season and then God directs us into either another path entirely or adapts our current ministry. When a branch is grafted in it must take root with the main vine, it must work to become part, otherwise the grafted branch withers and dies.

Each day should be a day of growth in Christ. If you find you are not growing, you truly need to start looking for the new assignment Christ has for you.