Good Reward

Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. 10 For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 CSB)

Of late I have been reminded of just how important it is to have others around you. Both personally and professionally the world is a really hard place when you go it alone. Spiritually, I think it is impossible.

I have a pretty high capacity for saying grace over a lot of stuff. However, when I am in a place where I have to rely solely upon myself alone I can quickly begin to experience burn out. I think so many years of being overloaded has developed my capacity to take on a lot, but it too has resulted in burn out happening faster.

Today, many of us survive in a business environment of doing much, much more with much , much less. That is the nature of business today. So too, I see many single parents out there roughing it out day after day, making do alone for a large part. Parenting is a difficult enough job when there are two committed individuals.

When we allow others in and embrace assistance we can experience, as our scripture says, a good reward for our efforts. We not only can get more done, it makes the doing so much better, so much easier.

It is so important to have a brother (or sister) to lift us up.