A Tested Faith

so that the proven character of your faith—more valuable than gold which, though perishable, is refined by fire—may resultin praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:7 CSB)

The following was in my morning devotional today from In Touch Ministries – Our heavenly Father also uses trials to prove to His children that their faith is genuine (1 Pet. 1:7). When we persevere through each difficulty, our faith is tested and refined, reassuring us of our salvation. 

This scripture in many various ways has always rung so true in my life. I think In Touch really hit the nail on the head as to one of the key reasons we experience trials and one of the key take aways. My faith has grown, as has many others, through the trials of my life. It took getting to the other side and looking back to really realize this, and maybe a bit of age.

We only have two responses to a trial. We can run away from it and God or we can face it with God. The problem with running is that trials seem to follow us no matter how far we run. God too will chase after us when we run, and there is no real getting away from God.

When we turn our head into the wind of a trial and cry out to God he is faithful to see us through. This may still require keeping our heads down and trudging through the incessant gale of life until the storm passes. But on the other side, whether the sky is still dark and foreboding or sunny and clear, God is there. This is the point where we can look back and see how our faith has grown, how we have grown.

I have had to do a lot of growing in life, both personally and in my faith. But now, I see that a tested faith is a strong faith.