23 And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, (Matthew 14:23 ESV)
We are often afraid of the idea of being alone. Granted, God made us to be creatures of community. However, He too knew that if we were to hear Him we must have times of quiet and solitude. But I fear that one of the enemy’s most insidious ploys is to rob us of any moment of quiet and solitude.
The world is just this cornucopia of constant sound and distraction. I purposefully wake up early each morning to sit quietly before the day begins to gather my thoughts, spend some quiet time alone with God and gain some inner peace. I have to do this, it has gone from a thing I made myself do, to a habit and then to an obsession. I have to spend the first moments of my day alone with God…and a cup of coffee (forgive my weakness, God)
We need to seek time alone with God. If we do not we will find that we simply allow the enemy to distract us with every form of auditory and visual stimulus. When we take time apart from the world and alone with God it creates this bubble where only we and our Father exist.