Spiritual Dehydration

25 A generous person will be enriched,
and the one who gives a drink of water
will receive water. (Proverbs 11:25 CSB)

I grew up learning to be generous. My father was ever a man to help people and I remember many times when we would gather up things to take to families in need. We lived in a small town and it seemed that there was often a family in need with no where to turn.

In our world it is not difficult to find others in need. Yes, often times they just need a little financial help, but more often I find that people simply want to be seen. For someone to take a moment to be with them and to listen to their situation, even if we cannot solve it for them. People are hungry for just a little bit of our time and they are starving for God.

I believe this is where the latter part of our scripture comes into play. Christ is The Living Water and so many are dying of thirst. When we take time out to provide them with a drink we see just how dehydrated in spirit they are.

The worst part of this type of dehydration is that it leads to spiritual death and eternal separation from God. We all live in a dry and weary land, but there is a spring that wells within that can water the whole world if we will but get out of our comfort zones and give a drink to others.

Who do you know is suffering from spiritual dehydration?