Withholding Compassion

17 If anyone has this world’s goods and sees a fellow believer[a] in need but withholds compassion from him—how does God’s love reside in him? (1 John 3:17 CSB)

In the bustle of every day life it can be easy to forget how much a simple gesture can mean to another. Taking a moment to stop down and ask how they are doing, look them in the eye and really get a sense of if everything is okay with them.

The “world’s goods” in our scripture today does not just refer to material things. It also refers to having too much to do to make time for another. The world’s goods come in many different forms. But God’s children come in one form, a brother or a sister. Someone who we should take time for and make feel loved when we are around them.

You see, the question asked regarding how God’s love resides in us when we withhold compassion for another is an apt one. How can we say we are living a full and rich faith life when we do not take time for others. I am pointing the finger at myself here in a big way. I allow busyness to keep me from many things. Far to often even from the interaction with my closest brothers in faith.

How can we say we have the love of God in us and not take time for others?