Well Lit

105 Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105 CSB)

We are moving into that time of the year when, if you are like me, you go to work in the dark and you come home in the dark. While one of my favorite times is fall, I am glad winter is pretty short here in Texas. I am a person of the light, and too much darkness weighs on me. I need to get out and soak up some sun every day.

In the same way, if I am not looking to scripture as a daily lamp for my feet and a light on my path I can quickly go astray. We are all human and we need regular guidance so that we keep to the lit path. The nature of man naturally leads him to the worlds path, and many of them are shrouded in darkness.

When we utilize scripture as what it was intended for, pointing the correct way, we find that life can be more easily lived. Now I have had this premise challenged many times. And there have been times in my life where I did not feel such a strong pull to scriptural truth. But as I have gotten older, I see the wisdom in every word. I see now the value of living a life kept close to the Word, both in physical form and spiritual.

In all things, Lord, make my path well lit.