The Boat

32 When they got into the boat, the wind ceased. (Matthew 14:32 CSB)

In this section of scripture Peter had just walked on the water out to Jesus and had to be rescued when he saw the wind and the waves. The focus we typically have is on both the miracle of walking on water and the abject lesson of what happens when we take our eyes off Christ.

But there is another more subtle message in a not so subtle action. When Peter and Christ got into the boat the wind ceased.

When we do anything with Christ, He is in control. Where we go with Him, what we do with Him, He is in total control of everything around us. Yes, I said that twice, it needs to be repeated to us…often. We think we are in control far too often. We think we are set when times are good, but times change on a dime. When times are not good we look for answers, we look for change, we may not look for the fact that Christ is in the boat with us because the winds have not changed.

This world, and the enemy, will throw everything it has at us. The good things and the bad, as both can be just as strong a distraction from our complete need for Christ. We are independent and we can forget our needed dependence upon The One who holds all the cards.

We simply need to keep in mind who is in the boat with us.