Perfect Peace

3 You will keep the mind that is dependent on you
in perfect peace,
for it is trusting in you. (Isaiah 26:3 CSB)

I have a lot of experience with today’s scripture. I have tested it many, many times. And when I keep my mind focused and dependent upon God I experience a peace that surpasses understanding.

But my mind wanders….a LOT.

Before I know it my mind is treading paths that are anything but peaceful. It is focused on all of the minutia of my life and distracted beyond my capacity to bring it back into line with God. Then I experience the opposite of perfect peace and trust. I become adrift in a mental quagmire without a paddle.

My mind is ever in motion. It takes every rabbit trail it can find. Too often I find myself laying awake at night with it running away with me and I cannot calm it. This is the enemy at work, keeping me away from God’s peace. At these times, my mind is apt to fixate upon the negative or the worrisome, to the point I find myself anxious.

But when I can capture my thoughts, when I can tame my mind and focus it fully upon dependence and trusting in God’s path, it will come back to a restful state. It is here, and only here, where I can experience the perfect peace of God.