Not Will or Effort

16 So then, it does not depend on human will or effort but on God who shows mercy. (Romans 9:16 CSB)

This section of Scripture can be difficult for many. The Apostle Paul was writing about things, that at first glance, can be discouraging in a way. They point to the fact that God does as God sees fit. We have very little say so in the matter. In fact, none.

So what is the point of striving for God then, you may say.

This section of scripture is not to discourage us, but to encourage. It is meant to help us understand that no amount of our own striving can save us. Yes, God can choose to harden one heart over another. God loved Jacob but hated Esau.

The human mind considers this, seemingly random viewpoint as wrong. But who are we to challenge the mind and plans of God? No, how we must look at this scripture is that it is never through man’s striving that we reach God, but through God’s mercy and grace that he reaches out to each of us.

The Bible makes clear the distinction so that we may accept God’s free gift to mankind of salvation. So that we do not believe in any way that we secure our salvation through any other means.