But by Spirit

So he answered me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by strength or by might, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord of Armies. (Zechariah 4:6 CSB)

Has your week been a difficult one?

Do you feel like you have insurmountable obstacles in front of you?

Do you feel overwhelmed?

Take heart, you have an opportunity to watch God work.

When we do not or can not see a way beyond our current situation we can rely upon God all the more. For what we are incapable of in our strength or by might, God can do by Spirit.

But by Spirit. This should be our motto.

When we let go and open up a path for God to work great things, it is amazing what we can see Him do.

The problem often is that we do not open that path for God to work. We think by our own hand we can secure an outcome.

Step back from it. Let God do His thing.