The Gap

30 I searched for a man among them who would repair the wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land so that I might not destroy it, but I found no one. (Ezekiel 22:30 CSB)

Who will stand in the gap?

What God is looking for is men and women who are willing to stand in the gap for Him. People who are not willing to compromise or shy away from a fight. Those willing to stand for something bold when many are against them and most are turning away.

You see, our job here on earth is to stand in the gap. Or at least be willing to.

For every one of us this standing will be different. But it is making up our minds that we will be that voice in the wilderness. The one pointing the way no matter what. Even if we are reluctant at times, God will honor those who are willing to stand in the gap.

But what does it mean to stand in the gap. Well, most of all it is about being outward and showing that we stand for something that the world is not aligned with. It is about being willing to speak God’s truth in love and bring about change in peoples lives by introducing them to a new and better way. Ours may be only to plant the seeds in the gap and allow God to make them grow.

Whatever God is calling us to, be assured that there will be some standing in the gap. Some form of proving ground for us.