Made Alive

22 For just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:22 CSB)

Through one man came death, so to, through one man all are made alive.

There is no escaping death. It is the one thing that is 100% assured. My dad would say death and taxes, but we know some who evade the last…at least for a while.

But we need not focus upon death. Yes, it is inevitable, but it is what we do with life that should be our focus. Most assuredly because we were made alive in Christ.

This means not letting life get to us. And that is so easy. I know I am guilty of it. In fact I have been of late. Life, well work, has been eating my lunch. We are in a very busy time and there is much to be done. Thus, I have found that my work has permeated my thinking and my every waking, and some non-waking, moments.

You may go through similar times with work, family, health or any number of other time consuming life events. These happen, and it is easy to lose our focus upon what matters most. Which, if you are not clear on this yet, is our relationship with Christ and looking toward His plan.

The key to this is to accept that at times we may be consumed with some aspect of life. But we must keep within our focus the fact that this is but a reason or a season, it cannot be a lifetime. When we allow it to become our lifetime that we miss out on the better things Christ has in store.