Reborn & Renewed

So we are always confident and know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:6-7 CSB)

This week I found out a friend who recently got a difficult health diagnosis had passed away. The time between finding out about his health problem and his death were very short. But he is now clothed in a new healthy body and walks the streets of gold.

He was a strong man of faith. He spent his entire life walking by faith and not by sight. He was an encouragement to me and many, many others. He was also a mentor in some ways to me and even more so to others. His life counted much for the Kingdom.

Now I know that today he looks down from heaven and is exactly where he wants to be. For he truly knew, especially in the past few years, how difficult the walk here on earth can be. His body here was failing him, but the one he has now never will. He has been renewed and reborn.

There are times that we may feel run down and broken while we are here on earth. But we must keep our eyes on the fact that we are going to be reborn and renewed when we pass from this plane to the next. While we are here we must stand strong and continue to walk by faith and not by sight.