
For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 4:3 CSB)

What does it mean to you to have a life that is hidden with Christ?

In a commentary I read it said ” To be “hidden” means to be separated from sin, lawlessness, and sinfulness. To be “in Christ” means to live according to God’s law and his Word.” I thought this was a good definition. We do not keep Christ “hidden” in us, but we seek to make Christ “manifest” in us.

We keep ourselves hidden in Christ so that we are conformed to Him and not allowing ourselves to be conformed to the world.

This simple line of scripture, at first glance, can seem difficult to understand. But once we do we see so may ways that where the application of being “hidden” is so very important.

This too is where our life needs to be, to some extent, contemplative in nature. By spending time meditating upon the may ways we want to be hidden in Christ, and manifesting His nature we begin to see the way toward application.

Maturing in the faith comes as we dig deeply into the nature of Christ and our nature in him.