Chasing Shadows

17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17 CSB)

If you do not happen to be from Texas you may not understand the concept of chasing shadows. You see, here during the summer, we chase shadows. We chase them in parking lots so that the inside of our cars are not ovens when we get in. We chase them when we are working outside so that there is a little relief from the sun. Even when riding my bicycles or motorcycle I am chasing shadows to spend as little time as possible in direct sunlight.

We do this to gain some little respite from the summer heat. But shadows shift. Even if we find a nice cool place in the shade, it will not last. As the sun moves so does the shade of a nice shadow.

When it comes to God we do not have to chase His shadow, as it does not shift. Gods grace and gifts may not always be felt, but they are ever there. It is often we who have stepped out into the blazing sun out from under His protective wing, His cool shadow.

We need only to take a step back toward Him to feel the coolness and peace He offers. Yet how often we stand in the direct blazing sun. Cooking from our own misguided steps, from our own sinful nature. Have we not heard, can we not see what God offers is not a heavy burden?

It is on us whether we chase shadows or go to the One who does not change, who’s shadow does not shift.