Future Tense or Past Tense

6 Lord, God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven, and do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? Power and might are in your hand, and no one can stand against you. (2 Chronicles 20:6 CSB)

Do we take the time to consider how we pray for change in our lives? Do we come with petitions and groaning about our situation? Do we spend time lamenting what God hasn’t done or focus on all that He has done?

Too much, I would venture, we spend focused upon the negative. We come before the Lord with our laments and not with our praise. I mean, this is human nature. We don’t typically pray about bad things in a good way.

In our scripture today Jehoshaphat took a different approach. He prayed about his predicament in the power of the Lord not in his own weakness and fear.

I have often heard it said from true prayer warriors that we must pray thanks for deliverance as if it has already happened. Because in truth, it really already has. You see we focus upon the petty now and forget that He has already won the war and we have gained the prize.

God works in future tense while we tend to work in past tense.

God’s hand is already on you and working in your situation before you even voice it. Thus, our prayers should be in the power of His deliverance.